‘365 Days — The Last One’

Being Consistent With Whatever


To me, partaking in the act of consistency over time means doing what you committed to do even when you don’t feel like it.

Doing something because you decided to do it, to follow through with it until the end — regardless of circumstance — is what the last 365 days has brought to my life.

I’ve previously had a bit of experience with consistency in action.

Training and competing in a bodybuilding figure show, getting my body and mind ready for a 1/2 Ironman, being a competitive figure skater in my youth, quitting drinking…one day at a time!…and studying to qualify for law school (which I never ended up going to after all that effort) helped me understand the importance of consistency, why it matters, and how it applies to accomplishing goals in life.

I began this journey of writing for 365 days straight when I was prompted to do so while partaking in a business/website building/sales/funnel hacking group challenge last year.

Russell Brunson said:

“Despite the ups, and the downs, and all the things I have been doing this now for 18 years. 18 years I’ve been beating this drum over, and over, and over again. — I beat this drum when nobody was listening. I beat this drum when people were angry. I beat this drum when clients were leaving me. I beat this drum and I keep doing it, and doing it, and doing it because I believed in it so much, because I cared about it so much, because I knew the impact it could and would have if I just kept doing it, and kept doing it, and kept doing it.”

As Russell also noted in one of his video modules, getting to day 40 was the hardest part…and I can attest to that.

The ‘wilderness’ it was for those 40 — days.

From out of the wilderness on day 41 and beyond, it was an exercise of determination, patience, perseverance, overcoming writers block, doing anyway even when I really, really didn’t want to and remaining as kind as possible when the rest of the household needed something from me but I just.wanted.to.get.this.thing done!

You’ve probably already read or heard about the benefits of consistency in other articles or podcasts. But here are a few more I discovered over this past year so I’m going to share:

•You end up honing your craft

•You end up being more confident

•You end up a more patient person

•You earn an invisible 365 day trophy

•You cultivate creativity

•You meet new people

•You are inspired and encouraged by others

•It’s therapeutic

•You are reminded daily that feelings (ie: “I don’t feel like staying up until midnight writing a stupid blog post again today”) are not reliable and that doing what you said you were going to do matters more than how you feel about it

There are more, but my brain, eyes and butt hurt from working on the computer too much today, so that is all for now.

Thanks for the challenge all, what an interesting year it has been.

And more importantly, a massive thank you to each and every one of you for reading, commenting, offering feedback, sharing your heart, encouraging and supporting me in my efforts with this project.

You are amazing and I appreciate you.




Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'
Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Written by Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.

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