‘A Poppy, Sushi & A Christmas Tree’

Grateful. Protected. Fearless. Joyful. Hopeful. At Peace.


The sushi pic is Braden’s first go at making his own at home. We had fun and I’m super proud of him. That’s all I got about the sushi pic.

On with it…

The debate with some people over whether to wait to put up a Christmas tree until after Remembrance Day or start decorating whenever you feel like it has long been loud.

In previous years, after lunch and after the park Cenotaph ceremony on November 11, we would eagerly put on some Mariah Carey and start unpacking our Christmas bins.

This year, earlier today, the tree went up. Yep, it did.

What also went on display was some craft-paper poppies on our front window and a few of the donation ones from last year pinned to our left chest.

While really poppies could be worn year-round, at minimum we want our boys to remember what November 11 is about and why it’s so important to take the time to re-learn and observe it each year.

“Grateful. Protected. Fearless. Joyful. Hopeful. At Peace” (...in all circumstances!)

I can say with conviction that those words above describe the vibe in our humble little home and the way we face each waking day.

Besides God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit having things all sorted out already, one of the reasons the four of us can live boldy by these words or put up at Christmas tree at all is because of the men and women who fought for our freedom to live in a country where we can be…FREE.

For many reasons this year, the line between freedom and something else is beginning to get blurred so it is especially profound that I help my boys remember where and why we live where we do.

“It’s an anti-depressant”, “#fcovid”, “The world needs some brightness these days”, “#noshame”, I support my veterans…and proudly wear a poppy [too]”, “Christmas carols are on, fabric is ready for stokings.”

Those are just some of the sentiments and justifications made in regards to getting in the festive mood in October (and November) that I’ve seen on numerous Facebook feeds recently.

For a while now, I’ve seen more and more people taking up the Christmas spirit early…and for perhaps good reason.

Whatever your choice, whatever your stance, for me and my house — we choose…particularly this year and forward…to remember that we are free to put up the darn tree whenever we want, free (at least in theory *sigh*) in our speech, free to vote, free to choose, free to love and free to live because of those who have laid down their lives for us.

I’m now off to finish ‘fluffing’ our Costco Christmas tree with the boys, light the pine-scented candle, press play on “Oh Holy Night’ and get the rest of the bins up from downstairs.

Whoop! Decorating commences…November 1!




Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'
Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Written by Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.

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