Becky’s Kale Hypothesis
BLOG 41/365
“Becky’s Kale Hypothesis”
“I’ve always been an active person and spent the majority of my childhood outdoors playing soccer, making mud pies, jumping on the trampoline, skiing…you name it.
Though I’ve had a few health problems in my life, for the most part, I have continued to stay physically active, I eat as clean as possible putting the least amount of crap in and on my body and I quit booze 5 years ago too.
Modifying what I do with my body physically and what I choose to put in it has drastically increased my quality of adult life. Besides the physical stuff, I’ve chosen to create daily positive habits of breathing, prayer, gratitude and finding humour in situations. Along with neuro and bio feedback, trauma healing and overall intentionality in cultivating positive emotional and brain health, I have seen an increase in all areas of my life.
Besides having had cancer almost 10 years ago, and consequently silicone breast implants that nearly did me in and caused my body to respond with a connective tissue disease last year, I am literally never sick with common colds or flus. I do credit my better choices over the last 10–15 years to staying mostly well.
It should not be news to anyone that British Columbia has the highest recovery rate from COVID-19 in our country.
Those statistical numbers have been published by numerous media outlets. While each source offers a slight variation, the information as to ‘why’ our West Coast province is a clear winner for patient turnaround remains consistent. Here are some of the reasons given:
- Early Preparation — “B.C.’s social distancing has meant the number of cases has been cut in half.”-
- More Cluster Cases — “seeing more cluster cases sooner than other provinces. That means it was easier for health officials to catch and stop it from spreading.”-604now.coM
- Determining the recoveries — “One factor in B.C.’s varying rates is a result of how we determine who is in the clear.”
When asked why the B.C recovery rate has been higher, Dr. Bonnie Henry has said, “some parts of it are luck, and some parts of it are being prepared.”
Luck, hmmm.
For as long as I can remember, West Coasters and Vancouverites have been ribbed, made fun of and been the brunt of many jokes. The topics of mockery that seem to take the top places are Gore-Tex, yoga pants, organic vegetables, bike lanes and pride in (and talking about) their healthy lifestyles. This blurb sums it up well,
“Oh, you’re from Vancouver? You must love skiing, yoga, and kale then…right? Even Canadians have stereotypes about other Canadians, and Vancouverites are some of the most enjoyable to (light-heartedly) make fun of.”
As fun as the rest of the country (or world) may find it to make fun of them, the majority of the COVID-19 cases are/were in or around Vancouver and the majority of them recovered.
For the past few weeks I’ve been listening, observing, thinking of my my lifestyle choices and thinking also of the choices of the majority of my friends and family members in the Lower Mainland. I just couldn’t help but find a ‘coincidental’ relationship between B.C.’s highest recovery rate statistics and the overall positive and healthy lifestyle of those ‘hilarious’ West Coasters.
Here are some things they are famous for:
- They wear puff coats
- They own umbrellas
more important and relevant though…
- They do yoga…Lululemon headquarters is there.
- They walk or bike everywhere
- They pride themselves on eating as organically as possible
…they even have a Kale Drive
So again…why the high recovery rate?
I’ll bring it back to these 4 letters- L-U-C-K
If you care to hear my opinion, the West Coast LUCK, could very well be more the product of their intentional healthy choices that have won them many laughingstock awards.
Not harshing on other parts of the country and I know these seem quite ‘blanketstatementish’ but here are three highlights about what some have said about other parts of our nation in relation to food and overall wellness habits;
Quebec: “The food may be amazing, but there is a downside…Quebec food was largely shaped by difficult times and harsh winters…[and] Quebec dishes are usually filled with lard, fat, sugar, syrup and a whole bunch of things that will kill you faster.”
Manitoba: “Winnipeg certainly has an interesting climate, which might not be suitable for everyone. Winter usually lasts from October to April with the temperature dropping to -40 degrees Celsius.” (and people spend more time outdoors if it’s more mild)
Alberta: “There is nothing worse than an Alberta winter.” (again…warmer temps generally equal higher activity levels)
Even though I live in the Interior of B.C., and have lived in Alberta and loved it, there is definitely something special about Visiting Vancouver and the West Coast.
It does make you want to be active. You want to go hiking, you want to go to the beach, there are hundreds of people outside in any type of weather riding bikes, running, walking and paddling.
It’s also a well known fact that fresh air, sunlight (Vitamin D) consistent exercise and clean eating does boost the immune system.
I’m not a professional and don’t do statistics but there has to be some weight to the above.
It just makes too much (common) sense.
Maybe there is something to eating copious amounts kale and doing 5 yoga classes a day after all? ;)