‘Counting ‘Em’
Blessings & Favour
Sometimes it’s hard to see past the thickness of life, through the heavy, through the muck and the fog.
Like the sun on my face as I write this and the amazing horizon in the stock pic on this blog, each day there can be beauty from any amount of ashes.
There are various people that take credit for the famous quote that says, ‘What you focus on grows’…or something similar along those lines. Regardless who said it first, I like it, it’s a good one.
And it’s been proven true over and over again in my life.
Whether it’s regarding relationships, a job, health finances etc., what we say, do and think matters…obviously. That’s how all that stuff works.
In the thick of things, it’s easy to get stuck in emotions and move on how we feel. Ya, it’s important to consider those things but in those hard moments of life, if we can just step back and cling to truths like the ones I’ll list below, we won’t ever again move in fear, uncertainty, with anxiety or pain.
Truths to remember:
•You were created to do amazing things — Ephesians 2:10
•You were fearfully and wonderfully made — Psalm 139:14
•God loves you so much that He gave His only son for you — John 3:16
•The LORD made plans for you before you born…and they have always been to prosper you and not to harm you, His plans are and have always been to give you hope and a future — Jeremiah 29:11
•You were created without a spirit of fear and with Christ, you are filled with His power, the capability to love in any circumstance and given the authority to live life without anxiety or confusion. — 2 Timothy 1:7
What is FAVOUR?: An act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
What is a BLESSING?: God’s favour and protection.
That’s where fact and truth (like the ones above)-not feelings or emotions- come into play.
The most incredible thing is we aren’t inherently deserving of anything special yet God’s ‘kindness beyond what is due or usual’ everyday exceeds our wildest thoughts and hopes.
Daily we are given grace beyond measure and we are loved beyond comprehension.
In our home, we have a plain ‘ol piece of computer paper that is taped to the inside of a kitchen cupboard. On it, we keep track and note each and every bit of blessing and favour we experience each and every day. Even if it’s something seemingly ‘little’ like being grateful for my legs so I can walk in the fresh air or the fresh vegetables in my fridge, we scribble it down on that paper. We are almost out of room and will have to start another one very soon.
Focussing on the happy has helped us get through the hard.
Being able to look back on the endless favour and blessing we are given encourages and helps grow our attitude of gratitude. It reminds us that we are loved, cared for, never ever without, are living the good life and can do all things in and through any circumstance because #Jesus.
As spring arrives on our doorstep, we see God’s spirit of renewal in the flowers, weather, the meaning of Easter and the overall lifting of the really hard.
If life is heavy for you these days, be in your grief, move through it yet know you aren’t alone and there are bright high mountain tops just above those dark valleys.
Psalm 30:5 — joy will always come…
(a song for you too…)