‘Ew Or Yes Please?’

A Change Of Palate


I think I’ve blogged about this before but when I was younger my Mom would always eat those little licorice candies called Goodies. They were her favourite.

Pickled herring was another ‘treat’ that she often consumed.


Both of those were a huge nope for little Becky and these days, only the herring is still (and will forever be) out of question. On the other hand, curry, dijon mustard, horse radish, green tea, strong cheese, cottage cheese, rye or seedy bread, sauerkraut and sour cream are all foods I’ve grown a tolerable friendship with in my adult age.

I like liking more things as I grow older. Life is more interesting that way.

I’ve focused on food before, so tonight I’m zoning in on candies and the nostalgic ones or ones that you may remember from childhood with good or not so good memories attached to them.

One of my favourite candies that you can’t find anywhere anymore were the BC Ferries round mint caramels that came in a Lifesaver-type roll tube. There is one brand who makes something similar and, though they come close to the mark, it’s not quite spot on.

Those multi-colour mint melty candies that every grandma had on her coffee table were soft but not and they sat in a dish beside the lemon drops. The lemon drops often hung out with a tin of black current and mixed berry hard candies and with that duo too were those clear mints (that always stuck to your teeth) wrapped in clear with dark blue wrapping.

As I was eating Bridge Mix tonight, the idea for this blog came to me.

I remember thinking it was the absolute worst when I was younger and wondering how and why anyone would bother eating it?

Like, why would you chance trying to get a milk chocolate covered raisin when you could just buy an entire box of Glosette raisins especially since the probability of grabbing a gross fruit jelly thing covered in dark chocolate is higher?

How things change over time.

I now purposely pick Bridge Mix, Allsorts, 70–90% dark chocolate, black current anything, wine gums and I still love those small colourful soft mint things.

There will always be a place for Pop Rocks, FunDip and FIZZ candies but the classics are called classics for good reason I suppose.




Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'
Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Written by Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.

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