‘February 14’

Hearts, Hearts, Hearts


February 14 is Valentine’s Day…and it’s also Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day.

Both reasons for observation are important to us as a family.

First — the four of us love chocolate in all forms and eat it daily.

Second — the photo.

I know I’ve mentioned all of this before and shared this same pic, but each year we make sure to stay on top of spreading awareness for the cause.

Also, we (finally) pressed ‘go’ on the LIVN&GIVN website. Since the business was inspired and created from Luke’s heart stuff and related life experiences, it seemed fitting to get going on it today.

Extremely nervous about getting things just right, there is more refining to do. To those who are interested in what we are up to, thank you for your support (and GRACE!) with the inevitable hiccups along the way.

If nothing else, we learned a lot in the building process and look forward to what we will learn next.

Here are the blurbs from our homepage explaining how LIVN&GIVN came about — and thank you all again.

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LIVN — The Story

Luke is a warrior.

Though adversities have come his way, Luke Webb is an energetic 9 year-old-boy who loves fast cars, art, fashion, adrenaline sports and helping people.

Despite warnings from doctors that he would not survive the process, Luke endured meds, surgery and four rounds of chemotherapy while in-utero and was born with more hair than his Mom!

He also underwent open-heart surgery at the age of four and is currently living with three cardiac abnormalities. Though Luke will most likely require more surgery in his lifetime, nothing seems to dampen his spirits or prevent him from living the fullest life he can.

After creating his artwork with a unique signature design, Luke and his family decided to combine his passion for art and fashion with his perspective on facing adversity with positivity and embracing kindness at all times.


Having been on the receiving end ourselves, the decision to give a portion of funds back to kids in need or facing health challenges of their own was easy.

Luke’s hope is to ensure kids always feel valued, special and most importantly, not alone no matter what life throws at them.

From someone who’s ‘been there done that’, and come out the other side, LIVN GIVN was built to inspire and support other kids through their present well-being and their future dreams.

Because Luke has proven since before he was born: life is meant for LIVN…and he’s taking whoever he can along for the ride!

-Becky (Mom) & Luke

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GIVN —How You Are Helping


Life is always better when done together!

When you purchase an item, LIVN&GIVN dedicates a portion of all sales to child and family initiatives locally in British Columbia as well as elsewhere in Canada.

The name LIVN GIVN was inspired by Luke’s passion for life, his ability to move through adversity and the smile that’s on his face every day, in spite of his hardships. Having been on the receiving end of gracious generosity along this journey, we wanted to create a way to pay those moments forward.

‘LIVN’ big and ‘GIVN’ big, we are ‘Lifestyle Apparel That Gives Back™’

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Sending healthy ticker vibes to everyone day. Enjoy the chocolate and keep on keeping on.

-Becky, Jeff, Braden and, of course, Luke!



Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.