
The Staple YOLO Treat Throughout The Years


After cinnamon buns, ‘gummies’ come second on my list of YOLO food.

Unless they are organic and from the health food store, the common fake bright colours, unnatural flavours and high sugar content certain chewy candy have been a favourite crap-treat choice since childhood.

Penny candies turned into five cent candies and then they morphed into 10 cent candies. The giant 25 cent candies like large sour keys or coke bottles have always been around and now, especially with COVID, you can only buy gummies in packages like in the picture or Koala Cones at the gas station.

When I was younger my girlfriend’s mom always had a glass jar of organic juice berries. She was ‘organic’ and natural even in the 80’s when people thought that lifestyle was crazy. It was our favourite little treat, to be allowed to hit up the jar after dinner or mid afternoon after playing outside. I learned a lot from my time at their house and I’m grateful.

I had one friend and whenever we had sleepovers, we were given five bucks to go to Tummy’s…the local candy and slush shop. That got us a good haul. We used to make up dance routines and she always let me wear her favourite acid wash jeans. Oh the memories.

Swedish Berries, JuJubes, Cola Bottles, Strawberry Twizzlers, Marshmallow Strawberries and Gummy Bears can regularly be found in our ‘treat cupboard’.

Offering zero nutritional value and a lot of comfort, gummies have been a staple ‘you only live once’ treat throughout my 39 years.

Now…off to eat some Maynards with our friends and watch a movie…




Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'
Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Written by Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.

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