‘In The Kitchen’
Food, Laughs And A Lot Of Apricots
Tonight is a short blog because as you can see by this picture…it’s 9:30pm and we still have some marinades to make and a whole lotta apricots to deal with.
(We are grateful to our neighbours for letting us fill up a multitude of bags)
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A few years ago on a Sunday morning, our Pastor spoke about the tradition and importance of family dinners.
In the 1960’s, the average length of a family dinner was about 90 minutes.
Nowadays it’s a mere 12 minutes…and if you have kids like Luke (our youngest) even that can prove to be a struggle when Fortnite friends or the skatepark are calling.
Not perfect or even great at it, Jeff and I do make our best effort to work together in the kitchen (or on the deck tending to the BBQ) as much as possible and to include our boys with the various preparations needed to sit down and eat.
Making sure we sit down, device-free, at least once per week, is an absolute bare minimum in our home.
I love big bustling family dinners too.
My family growing up was large, loud and during dinnertime, the kitchen was a busy place. So I feel ‘at home’ with those kinds of dinners. Everyone helped with setting the table, doing the dishes and unless there were very young children present, the parents/elders started eating first.
I remember being there for a decent length of time so we must have at least been close to the one hour mark.
It was a time to share about our day, rib each other a bit and enjoy the meal my Mom had made with love and Dad had worked hard to provide.
Between the Boughton’s, Gabriel’s, Webb’s, our extended families and the friends we get to call family, we are fortunate to have extensive opportunities to enjoy a meal with a lot of solid people.
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Braden has always liked being in the kitchen. He started and rocked his first job at age 14 in the busiest (and best ;) pasta restaurant in town..so now he has no excuse to not join me ha!
He also was my only sidekick for seven years until Luke came along and we together we would pump out batches upon batches of chocolate chip cookies and banana muffins.
He took a bit of a hiatus for a while from about age 11–15 and is now keen to hang out with me in there again. Thanks Bray!
Sticking to my first note about making this blog (that’s really about nothing) short, I now need to get back to prepping food and making fun of Jeff with the teenager so we can enjoy our 12 minute dinner tomorrow.