‘More Great Finds’

Thrifting Again


Today was an errand day.

On the list was taking bottles back, small groceries and Costco, stopping by the dollar store, picking up and dropping off random things with people, picking up and dropping off kids to various activities and hitting up the thrift store.

Post-garage organizing last weekend, we still had a load to take to donate/get rid of. I tried to pawn some of the items off on friends I thought may be interested but that didn’t work out.

So into the Corolla it went and off I drove.

Thankfully I showed up at the store(s) at the correct drop-off times as some are closed on most days and others only open for a short window of time on a specific day.

There are a few favourite second-hand shops I prefer — the SPCA one on the North Shore, the hospice on in Brock and for certain items…Penny Pinchers and Value Village. The other week I stocked up with the ‘10 books for $1.00' book sale at the SPCA one which loaded my shelf. I also found Luke a pair of mint-condition Jordan 1 Chicago’s for $10.00…super score.

I’ve refuse to buy most things new if I can help it though everyday-wear shoes I generally invest in because the particulars of them are important for the physical body. As well, underwear, pyjamas and socks make that ‘new’ list too for fairly obvious reasons.

Often everything I need or wish for can be found at the thrift store…like the athletic pants for $4.99 I picked up today. And although typography Tees aren’t usually my jam, I couldn’t resist a heather red $4.95 find last week that reads, “Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want To Come”.

I can’t express how much joy that brought/brings me. Note though…I love people, I do like parties but as an absolute introvert…that shirt spoke to me.

It’s the little things.

More great finds as of late were the $5.00 Braun hand mixer that now sits in my pantry, a French-made electric chopper/mixer machine that retails for x20 what I paid, a completely solid metal meat tenderizer, a new RIDE snowboard outfit, an amazing WOODS waterproof overall-style rain suit for $2.50 and a coyote fur-lined hood ‘extreme winter’ down parka for $19.99.

All of the items listed are those I have ‘been in the market for’. Having held off buying some for a couple of years, I’ve been patiently waiting for those moments/items to come my way. And it’s so worth it when they do.

Like the feeling of enjoying someone else’s cooking over your own …IMO it always feels better when a purchase is a fantastic deal. Ahhh — and the joy of delayed gratification.

Picking up Braden from work in a couple of hours is the last errand on the list for today and now it’s time to pack lunches and encourage Luke to get off his PS4 to brush his teeth...wish me luck ;)




Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.