“Oh Daisy”
Daisy (pictured above with her head in a bag) is our Maltese/Shih Tzu/Yorkie puppy and she’ll be one years old in July.
Weighing in at about seven pounds, her attitude would make you think she is 700 times her size.
She’s quirky, cute, ridiculous, needy, funny and picky.
Perhaps going against some of my vet friends expertise out there, Daisy does get to have human food in our home. Raw carrots, noodles, sausage, whipping cream and cheese are her favourite treats.
She is disproportionately mostly Yorkie out of the three noted breeds and it sure shows in many areas in her life.
After 10 months, she has now recently made her way onto our bed to sleep at night. If you know Jeff (my husband) at all, this is a situation which could be equivalent to that saying about the ‘day when pigs fly’.
Daisy has her own way of doing everything. The way she poops, the way she eats, the way she greets you at the door and especially the way and what she eats.
Since the day we got her, she has loathed kibble.
I know there are different types of diets to feed dogs but I wanted her to be able to like some form of kibble for satiety, teeth health and convenience sake. I tried literally almost every brand, size and flavour. I heeded my vet’s advice and did everything she told me. Still, Daisy refused to entertain the idea of kibble. Period.
A friend of mine had mentioned he had a dog food company and that I should try it out. “Ya right”, I initially thought to myself, there’s no way our kibble snob would go for yet another brand of the dry stuff…so I put it off.
After a few months, I was getting to the point where I wanted to try Daisy with kibble again so I contacted him.
Well, as you can see from the picture above…DEX KNOWS BEST has been the only kibble that she will eat — with the small exception of one kind she tried at a friends house but of course wouldn’t eat at our house.
DEX KNOWS BEST is my #1 recommended kibble for anyone out there with even the most ridiculously picky of pups.
Check out their website to see their products and options and enjoy!
(No, no kickbacks here…just support of a local Kamloops biz and admitting that it, in fact, is the best dog food out there…at least in Diva Daisy’s opinion.)