‘So Many Options’

Making Use Of Abundance


The province we live in is special for many reasons.

From the varied climates, to the mountains, rainforests, ocean and desert-like areas, B.C. offers almost every activity and resource one could think of.

Summer and fall are incredible times for this reason: there’s an abundance of fresh produce…everywhere.

I hear of people and businesses utilizing every type of fruit and vegetable when they’re ready for harvest.

For example, the other day I saw a post on Facebook from a local brewery offering their beer in exchange for unused/unwanted apricots. They were making a feature brew and wanted a lot of them. That’s pretty cool.

With zucchini as the next item up to be picked…or currently being picked…I see people literally leaving piles of them at the end of their driveways for free pick-up. ‘Take it all’…’I have too many’. There is so much abundance around us.

Grateful to our neighbour for letting us pick their tree ridiculously packed with apricots, these last few days we had to sort through the many options of what we would do with them.

I rreeaalllyyyy dislike wasting food so making sure they didn’t spoil was important…even if we had, like, 1000 to process.

Braden and his grandma made some jam and jalapeño/apricot spread which we’re excited to try tomorrow. At our house, we opted to dehydrate half and use the other half for some baking.

So if you have to make use of apricots and have used all your jars or have made enough scones, we chose an apricot bar and liked it…though personally I probably would have added some cinnamon. Next year.

Time to switch the trays on the Ronco once more before bed…




Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'
Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Written by Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.

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