‘The Comfort Combo’

Peaches & Anything


Man, I really have to start figuring out how to get these in before 23:30/22:30hr each night.

One day.

We got in the door a few minutes ago from enjoying a great dinner with friends. BBQ, salads, potatoes and more. Jacked-up kids, crazy dogs…summer nights. I just carried Luke upstairs because he fell asleep in the car so now I’m hitting the keyboard…half zombie mode.

My favourite summer fruits are peaches and berries. Watermelon is close behind.

I’ve bought a couple flats of peaches this year and I’m currently finishing up the second flat.

Some will be canned though most will be turned into pies, upside down peach cake, crumble, muffins and pepper/peach jam.

Growing up we ate a lot of canned peaches. They are a favourite of my Dads. To this day, he cans them each year and they remain at the top of his most-loved list.

I guess you could call them a comfort food in our home as I guess they’re a bit nostalgic for me. When I was little, we all looked forward to savouring that special jar of canned peaches in the winter when apples were the only option. Sipping the juice from the bowl, nothing went to waste.

Over the last while, I’ve done pies, peach cake and next up is rhubarb/peach crisp and the pepper jam. Peaches can hold their own straight up or they pretty much go with anything you can think of.

They mix well with berries, apples or in a fruit salad. They are great when turned into a spicy glaze or added to salsas, chutneys or salads. Let’s not forget the baking. Peaches clearly take top versatility spot for scones, muffins, bars, pies, crumbles or even pancakes.

Fading quickly, I’ll wrap it up by sharing this recipe with you all. I made it earlier today and brough it to the BBQ. Though it turned out alright, absolutely nothing beats my Aunt Joanie’s peach cake made with love.





Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'
Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Written by Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.

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