‘Those Few’

The Really Special Ones


Everyone has had that couch, that coffee table, that carpet and possibly one of those outfits in the photo.

But I’ll throw it out there and say that few have or have had a ‘Stac’ in their lives.

Stacey — Stace, Stac, Aunty Stac, Cee Cee, Stak Naks…and

Stacey Lynn to her Mom.

We’ve been friends since before whatever age we were in the picture and since she used to have to wait for me to finish my piano lessons.

She’s stuck around even when I went through a phase of being a complete meanie and made her carry my backpack home in elementary school and she’s still in my life after I would also make her listen to Elvis with me and give me her opinion of my many outfits that I would change throughout the day.

We played dress-up, walked to school together, hairsprayed our 80’s bangs, had dozens and dozens of sleepovers, made up LOTS of dance routines, baked, watched Dirty Dancing, listened to Rod Stewart, were faithful to watch every WWE Royal Rumble together and (almost daily) took turns slaying Zelda, Duck Hunt and the original Super Mario Brothers trilogy…of course always getting to King Koopa.

She’s been there for everything.

Stace hung out with me after Braden was born, was in our wedding party, brings me her farm eggs, bought me a proper kitchen knife for my 40th birthday because she knows I never use the proper tool for the job, and has made a point to check in or help me (even if I said no!) for every surgery and life struggle.

She is the most caring and incredible step-mom, partner, business owner, sister and friend. Those who know — know.

Her and I don’t do feelings together so here’s a side-hug for you Stac!

Today it’s your 39th birthday and we celebrate you!

-Becky, Jeff (Ferling), Braden, Luke and Daisy.



Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'
Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Written by Becky Boughton - 'SOME STUFF TO CONSIDER...'

Helping people connect-the-dots by showing them where to find answers for life. The Bible - it's all in there.

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