‘What Would You Choose?’
2021 Spring/Summer Trends
Colour. We love colour.
Items in white, black and grey shades are timeless wardrobe staples, but — unlike the recent fall of skinny jeans (I still wear them )— colour will forever be where it’s all at.
Getting started on this journey, taking into account the colours and designs Luke likes best (purples, pinks, blues, neons, funky, bold), we settled on a few basics to start with.
Apparel/fashion is known for being an exceptionally cut-throat industry.
Yes, like anyone who starts a business or creative endeavour, it’s nice to be ‘successful’, be popular, get lots of likes and stick around for a while.
For us, the number one reason we started LIVN GIVN was to create a method that would enable us to pay experiences and resources we have been able to enjoy forward on a (hopefully) larger scale than what we’d be able to achieve on our own. We have had many amazing and unique opportunities so by having an official ‘giving vehicle’, we hope to provide similar spirit-lifting moments to other people going through life’s hard bits.
We don’t excel at everything, but we’re decent at a few things.
We aren’t super stylish (well, Luke is) and mostly, we favour comfort above all else.
We are definitely not the greatest salespeople or the best at using social media, but we love community and want to help others.
I can be ‘squirrel-like’ and want to take on too many projects at the same time, but there’s just too much of the good life to enjoy and I don’t ever want to miss out.
That said, if interested, we are asking for your feedback.
Even though Luke has provided the ideas of what he like most, being a family business, we take into consideration of what almost-17-year-old Braden thinks is acceptable and also what Jeff and I would wear as their parents.
The general consensus is, we all think this year deserves bright shades and popular right now are lavender, mint, light pink, peach, banana and ice blue.
What do you think our next adult hoodie colour should be?
A, B, C, D, or E?
Thanks all!
-Becky & Luke